Track Event
2 entries
Name Status Class Group Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Alex Bentley-Dean
NewIntermediate TrackSprint (5-7 events at ACC)Hinsdale, IL
Chris Hansen
NewIntermediate TrackSprint (5-7 events at ACC)Lombard, IL
Time Trials
2 entries
# Name Status Class Group Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Ted Blameuser
NewTT Unlimited 1Tinley Park, ILApex Predators Trackday Club, SSAM, TreadConection Naperville
profile photo
Luka Lumovic
NewTT Max 1Chicago, IL
Class totals: TT Max 1: 1TT Unlimited 1: 1
The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.